Do I fuel myself, or my car...i dunno what to do.
Those of you who know me well enough, are probably thinking "doesn't Reza hate coffee??" Well, yea, but not any more? See, about 3 or 4 weeks ago I would have never found myself in this situation because I couldn't even stand the smell of coffee, let alone its horrid and terrible taste. Well, thanks to a particular person who shall remain nameless (cough cough, Zamena!), I now have formed a slight addiction to Starbucks coffee. Not really the coffee, but more along the lines of their extremely sugary hot drinks. Every morning I find myself heading to the corporate root of all evil to support their line of ridiculously over-priced and over sweet coffee blends. I try to justify it by saying that I need something to wake me up in the morning so I can get a good start at work. Really, thats a buncha nonsense on my part, but for some reason I fall for it everytime.
You're now probably thinking to yourself "The guy is addicted to coffee - what's the big deal and why am I wasting my time reading this?" Actually, I dunno why you're wasting your time, but since you've already come this far, might as well read the rest.
Anywaysss, back to my original point. With me spending $4+ on coffee every morning, I can't afford gasoline. In New York, a gallon of gas is the same price as a Tall White Chocolate Mocha (not including the Whip)...and i love whipped cream, so thats like an extra 36 Dollars. (its only like 50 or 60 cents, but definitely seems like a hell of a lot more). It's times like this that I wished I lived in Jersey...wait, i cant believe i just said that. Screw it, i'd rather die than be from jersey. Ask my brother, he was a traitor and he'll tell you how much that place stank - literally. (i really gotta stop goin off on ADHD tangents...I feel like Foggy Aseef - "they have Balloons!")
Without fueling myself, I can't get to where I need to be mentally, especially in the morning. Without fueling my car, I cant get to where I need to be physcally. Looks like I'm stuck paying $8+ just to get around. Wow, the toll price for the GW Bridge doesn't look so bad anymore...but that leads to Jersey, so why would I wanna go there anyways?
Disclaimer: If you're from Jersey and think I've bashed your worthless wasteland of a state enough, you might not want to read later posts